The World-Cultural-
Das Weltkulturerbe
Widening horizons
Network operations
Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To the World's Elite
To all Readers
Video: Preview: How extreme will... - Documentary & Reportage - ARD | Das Erste
The far north seems far away to us. But the changes there have a direct impact on us: the Arctic is Europe's ‘weather and climate kitchen’ - and it is changing at a breathtaking pace due to global warming.
The German-language document you may find here!
Germany, Luebeck, 4th February 2024
Greenland and the nuclear power plants, seen through the rose-tinted glasses of psychologically controlled societies!
Dear Readers, Dear Sirs/Madams,
Today, a rather unfriendly letter follows, addressed to the thinkers and titleholders of our end times and society, which, however, should also be worth reading for the psychologically controlled citizens of all countries.
Yesterday, for example, the state of Greenland and the associated consequences of global warming, such as rising sea levels and high and low pressure areas due to the decreasing wind speed of a high and low, were explained on German television by a well-known and popular meteorologist, who also emphasised how many tonnes of ice the island of Greenland loses to the sea every hour, not every day.
According to experts, Greenland is said to be up to 3 km deep in some places, and the increasing global warming, which is said to be four times higher on Greenland than in the rest of the world, is thought to be melting the ice due to the increasing temperature of the sea. Alternatives to prevent the melting of ice were shown, which, according to the meteorologist, should supposedly consist of many small things and, as a whole, should not fail to have an effect. For example, the absorption of CO² by the finest flour-like sanding of the smaller rocks by means of locomotion or water power.
It was shown how the island's fresh-water ice walls break into the salty sea from different sides and how these ice chunks dissolve in the sea over time.
As interesting and amazing as these details may be, the real problems of global warming and the causes were not dared to be made clear, such as the smoking chimneys of industry, but it was only pointed out that one should think about stopping global warming in time, as the weather phenomena have already caused major problems such as flooding or crop failures, and these will increase!
And so the events on earth and in the atmosphere continue daily because the human psyche also wants to move further and further away and the next holiday abroad is already being planned.
On the one hand, there is a good but psychologically controlled documentary programme without clear messages or instructions, and on the other hand, almost every ruler, billionaire or millionaire is stuffing their pockets, and this is mainly happening at the expense of ‘Discounter Earth’ and thus at the expense of the environment, because no one wants to stop these people or oligarchs and because it is possible to profit from it oneself by escaping into the wide and tempting world of luxury!
So it's easy to withdraw from the climate agreement or let every so-called ruler decide what will happen to all of us as a result of the increasing number of disasters, with some of these so-called rulers denying the well-founded scientific findings on the interaction between the climate and the environment, because all they need at the back of their minds is immediate success and so the money has to keep on coming in!
What happens to future generations is then the problem of the successor of a president or alleged ruler, as long as it is at all possible for humanity to be led on this or that continent through the coming chaos.
And again and again you and others can be shown your inadequacies and cowardice, and again and again it is just blah, blah, blah for you as readers!
With the application of every psychologically well-intentioned nonsense and stupid behaviour for the delicately minded citizens, one has of course provided the necessary information and can claim with a clear conscience that everything possible has been done, you sick psycho-weirdos!
And now for the climatic matter through an excerpt from the Internet:
"A nuclear power plant or Atomic Power Plant is a thermal power plant in which electricity is generated by means of controlled nuclear fission. A controlled chain reaction takes place in nuclear power plants. Neutrons split some isotopes of the elements uranium or plutonium. The binding energy per nucleon is greater in the fission products than it was in the fissionable core. This energy difference is released during nuclear fission, mainly as kinetic energy of the fission products. The fission products are slowed down by the cladding of the fuel elements and by the water in the reactor pool. This process generates heat, which produces water vapour.
Many nuclear power plants have several units that generate electricity independently of each other. Each unit contains a nuclear reactor.
In 2023, there were 413 nuclear reactors in the grid worldwide. In 2022, the relative share of the global electricity mix fell below ten percent for the first time in around 40 years. The peak was 17.5 percent in 1996."[1]
What about the water vapour produced hourly by a nuclear power plant, which visibly escapes into the atmosphere, if there are currently around 440 nuclear power plants worldwide, with more nuclear reactors already being planned in China, for example?
And what about the cooling water needed for the fuel rods of nuclear energy, which is taken from the rivers and will presumably flow back into the rivers and the sea warmed or heated?
Some of the water used to generate this energy goes into the atmosphere as heated water vapour through the chimney, or how does it really work?
A nuclear power plant is not that environmentally friendly either, when there are these serious side effects of warming the rivers and thus the seas, when the whole thing happens 440 times an hour and daily in the world and the additional water vapour that has been created will normally come back as rain!
We already know from hot summer days that there may no longer be enough cooling water for the fuel rods of a nuclear power plant, and that the plant is forced to shut down or ‘power down’ so that a meltdown can be avoided!
In addition, there is the severe drought in the country and the lack of strong winds to avoid prolonged high or low pressure areas, which, however, can suddenly occur in the event of large forest fires! But these are only minor details that are better left unmentioned in the weather report, because ultimately the money has to roll in and the tourism industry has to run smoothly, otherwise no current ruler will get so much as a vote at the next election!
And now it gets complicated. Everyone would like to be in charge, but they just don't understand the bigger picture. There are almost certainly serious connections between the use of nuclear power plants and the over-dimensional area, which is in the nature of things.
This is due to the extremely alien neighbouring universe, with all that goes with it, and points to the digitalised atomic age of the world as control in the neighbouring universe, which in the end calls on humanity to adopt a common approach and accept this God-willed community of the world, in which no longer every country and every so-called ruler can do as he pleases!
The time for the cautious psychology of all users is over, even if my person doesn't want to trample on the delicate citizens like the bull in a china shop!
Other people in the world are also fragile and do not want to let their children starve or sleep in wet tents! These people would also like to be taken out of their misery by a luxury cruise ship so that they can stay alive and not, like tourists, to exhaust life endlessly on the mostly environmentally harmful luxury liners until nothing is left!
In fact, we can no longer afford to wait for things to happen, but must join forces as a human race without delay to work out over time when which nuclear power plant can be shut down and which country or two countries will be left to take care of the last shutdown ‘from the network’ of this kind!
This is done through the announced cultural tours, which will certainly accommodate the mentally ill person in their escape from everyday life and will certainly be of benefit if one considers one's own culture and the culture of foreign countries to be very important and not just let the sun shine on one's sick backside!
Of course, the important stops on the trendy cultural tours have to be made, which unfortunately includes me as Empress, since there will be no other person equally suitable and intended for this, although some people are also available in a similar way and are needed for the purpose.
The problem is the time that my person and the world no longer have! Of course, psychologists and psychiatrists will be waiting for me everywhere in the world and all psycho-amateurs want to be confirmed!
In addition, there are religions in the world that directly address the artificially constructed psyche of a person, in that there is usually no deity in these religious teachings and a higher connection to the afterlife is only created through the consciousness of the respective person.
Thus, this is a challenge for all people equally and especially for those who are hopefully more numerous than officially thought and have a high to very high intelligence, which unfortunately my person cannot necessarily serve and thus the responsibility must go to those who really have what it takes for this high challenge, as already announced!
Time is running out, it is coming to an end!
HP: Of course, the cycle of nuclear power plants can also be changed, for example by diverting the chimneys so that the escaping water vapour is converted into electricity storage or fed back into the earth. During the hot summer days, the energy gained from nuclear fission can also be used exclusively for cooling rivers or seas, thus avoiding the need for electricity from the socket.
And don't forget: Blah, blah, blah... Even retrospectively, many a backside will have to be slapped black and blue. But hopefully, the structure in the neighbouring universe has already been clearly and emphatically attacked, so that it can't possibly expand or multiply!