The World-Cultural-
Das Weltkulturerbe
Widening horizons
Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To the Population
FRG and Europe
WorldwideThe German-language docuemnt you may find here!
Germany, Luebeck, 30 January 2025
Unmistakable announcement of immigration policy
Dear Readers, Dear Sirs and Madams, Dear Members of the Bundestag,
It could happen in the next few days or at the latest in the next few weeks that responsible people could come to you at your door as the federal commissioners and as the members of the European Parliament, who will probably have to inform you very politely and very kindly that a new age will replace the old one or that the end of time could be announced, in that the direction of politics and the church must change immediately!
The sooner this fact comes true, the greater the probability that a new era will be in prospect for humanity. The essence of this is a new, but at the beginning of the takeover, initially only an Europe-wide form of government as Monarchy, which should be formed and established, which is actually and irrevocably God-given and must be universally established and effective for the whole world.
The world is getting a good King and certainly a good Queen as well, and the world is getting an equally good Emperor and Empress, who is extraordinary and therefore has the difficult task of making you and many others good and complete people.
And in order not to waste any unnecessary time, we will get straight down to business and discuss immigration policy with regard to the sorely afflicted and shaken people who may come from many broken families and have lost everything, some may even have lost their children.
Every person has a different fate and a different way of life, but all people have one thing in common, and that is the will to be able to stay alive. Furthermore, every person can feel or suffer joy and pain, and every person knows what hunger and cold or even extreme heat are. Every person knows the feeling of joy and everyone knows the feeling of sadness or loneliness, but many also know the feeling of love.
The feeling of freedom, but also the feeling of compassion, must not remain unnamed, and so there are many things that define us all and each individual as human beings, but also show us that we are all very easily hurtable and vulnerable and fragile. We are even mortal, and that often happens faster than you can think.
And now my person would like to know why, for example, many a young dark-skinned person has to get into an inflatable boat in order to cross the Mediterranean Sea with like-minded people to reach the shore of a foreign country.
A dark-skinned person also has only one life to lose on a rubber dinghy crossing, but just as every person is attached to his or her unique life. This person leaves his family and does not know exactly what to expect on the other side of the continent and whether he will actually arrive safely.
We as Europeans know what such young people might expect, namely a transit camp, a tent or a container to sleep in. Then comes the bureaucracy and the administrative formalities, although almost none of the young people understand the language of the country of immigration, and much more!
And so it goes on for a long time and for many years for many, many refugees or emigrants, with many people having to ‘lose’ their often young lives on the run, with very many, even children, drowning in the Mediterranean, where luxury cruise ships have increasingly expanded their excursion routes for tourists. People have also been shot dead on the mountain escape routes, like an animal that has been hunted!
And now, dear people, now and immediately, this dirty and cowardly game of the Europeans is over, which is for mostly destitute people: Life or death?
How about my person would be having the sides turned over, with the Empress's Cudgel putting the responsible politicians of Europe in an inflatable boat and then ‘going postal’ across the Mediterranean towards the African continent!?
How would it be to spend a few months in a transit camp in a foreign country where you cannot understand or speak the language? How would that be for these people or members of parliament for a few weeks?
This way, my person saves themselves every further letter and every further proposed solution for refugee policy that has been available on the Internet for years! You had the time, you had the possibilities and you had everything that other people urgently lacked!
And now many of the well-behaved citizens of Europe will have to learn how to camp in their backyards or front gardens and gardens. A container may also be placed in the garden and a caravan will also be allowed, so that in the future, the citizens of Europe will be more aware of what politics and the church have allowed for people from poorer and highly endangered countries, who are now forced to live as emigrants on the doorstep.
As European citizens, you wanted this policy and elected these people, and now you and others will kindly have to bear the consequences when the church and politics have failed more or less for years, with more and more people fleeing, and this is happening even though there are enough deterrents that have spread to the endangered areas of Africa or Asia!
As already stated, everyone has only one life and nobody plays with his life in this way, with every refugee or emigrant and also whole families with small children taking this high risk and some freezing to death, drowning or even dying of thirst on the run, and so much more!
And that is exactly what you, as Europeans and as politicians, must now experience first hand: The Europeans will have to clear their houses and have to be available to the refugees, who will be coming by force in the future, as guests of Europe, so that such a prolonged mess will never be repeated.
None other than the Empress, with a very high special status, will ensure that this happens, along with many other things, so that humanity will finally become complete human beings and the great pet will leave the human being or be beaten out! This lesson will certainly be considered extremely important ‘from heaven’ and as a prerequisite for a new age to be made possible!
You and everyone else should therefore all learn to pray so that the Cudgel of my person can actively get down to business, which could also be a lot of fun and very funny for many other people!
Of course, in this respect, my person differs significantly from the Emperor and the King with Queen, but that need not be an obstacle to the power of the triune Authority and need not drive the Emperor and the Empress apart.
On the contrary, anyone who feels they have been treated unfairly has the option of complaining to the relevant Authority, if the arguments fail to convince the Emperor or the King and Queen. I myself would prefer not to allow any injustices, especially those that threaten the lives of destitute people!